The eye of the giant trevally has a horizontal streak in which ganglion and photoreceptor cell densities are markedly greater than the rest of the eye.
The discontinuity effect is known as the markedly greater competitiveness displayed between different, interacting groups relative to the competitiveness displayed when individuals interact with other individuals.
The statistics in Table 18 also point to the markedly greater risks of childbearing at ages 45 and over than at ages 15-44.
The concert closed with Dvorak's Seventh Symphony, which shows a markedly greater depth and warmth.
He reported in the journal Lipids that beyond calcium alone, dairy sources "exert markedly greater effects in attenuating weight and fat gain and accelerating fat loss."
The South Fork traditionally receives markedly greater rainfall than the North Fork, and farmers there have generally not installed irrigation equipment.
Those rivers employed for potable supply create a special concern among field officers, reflected in a markedly greater willingness to define a discharge as polluting.
Intermittent frying has a markedly greater effect on oil deterioration than continuous frying.
Similarly, both serious and slight condensation were markedly greater problems among public sector houses.
The barbarian Arians showed a markedly greater missionary fervour than the Catholics in the fifth century.