Earlier brands of color-reversal paper were markedly lower in quality than the Radiance product.
Compared to the older open techniques, the complication rate is equivalent, except for a markedly lower risk of wound infection.
While continuing to grow, new orders for export rose at a markedly lower rate than in January.
The low percentage, however, mostly reflects markedly lower income from Apple-based products.
Inflation was markedly lower than November's 28-month high of 5.1%, but analysts had expected it to fall to 4.4%.
Almost all show markedly lower temperatures since 1940.
With complementary medicine, the total annual costs are markedly lower than the average for conventional care.
In five of the last six months for which data are now available, filings were markedly lower than a year earlier.
Temperatures, even in the heat of summer, are markedly lower within the naalukettu.
Last year, its sales per square foot were $138, markedly lower than at competitors.