The auction results are considered an important influence on what banks pay on money market accounts and C.D.'s.
The auction results often indicate what many banks eventually pay on money market accounts and C.D.'s.
Yields rose on bank money market accounts and C.D.'s.
Mr. Orbi said, however, that he hoped to increase his general market accounts because he believed a minority agency had its limitations.
By market accounts, all the central banks sold an undetermined amount of dollars at about 9:30 yesterday morning after the dollar rose to 1.92 marks.
The results of the auction often influence what many banks and savings institutions pay out for money market accounts and C.D.'s.
The new measures also eliminated speculative short- term money market accounts and raised fuel, electricity and telephone fees by 46 to 60 percent.
Another difference is that, similar to a checking account, many money market accounts will let you write up to three checks each month.
The results of these auctions are often a big influence on what many banks pay on money market accounts and C.D.'s.
The auction results are often looked at as a major influence behind what many banks pay out on money market accounts and C.D.'s.