By the end of the day, every market barometer had made significant gains.
Despite their bold cash moves, value managers don't like being tagged as market barometers.
The Russell 2,000, another market barometer, reached a new high of 207.82, up 1.95.
The key market barometer also advanced a solid 91.22 points for the week.
Almost every important market barometer climbed yesterday above the levels they had set before the Iraqi invasion.
The recent jump in certain market barometers showed that many investors were beginning to bet on two one-quarter rate increases at least.
The other market barometers, which earlier were in line with the blue-chip indicators, fell off the pace at the end.
By the closing bell, the Dow was down 39.45 points, or 1.24 percent, to 3,136.58, putting the widely watched market barometer at its year's low.
A broad decline resulted, leaving the major stock market barometers down about 1 percent for the day.
That pattern is captured by a market barometer known as the dividend dip indicator.