Traders said the market thought the rise in inflation was too steep and could cause future economic problems.
This tight market caused a proportionate decrease in the quality of the novels that were being released.
The black market also caused an export drain into the Gambia.
In this usage, free markets and trade cause economic development, which in turn accounts for the peace among nations with advanced economies.
However, the market caused such traffic congestion that in 1754 it was abolished by an Act of Parliament.
A rapidly declining market can also cause deals that have already been struck to unravel.
The March increase was larger than the financial markets had expected and caused a quick plunge in bond prices.
But analysts warn that the market in late 1989 may cause problems.
If the market in housing futures causes builders to ask more of these questions, that may be the best outcome of all.
With hindsight, we know that between 1996 and 1997 the market caused prices to rise.