At the same time, he said, the spread between the official and the parallel market exchange has been been reduced to less than 10 percent.
Arkady figured he himself made about one hundred dollars at a realistic black market exchange.
By contrast, the currency's black market exchange rate is artificially weak.
The recipient feels no obligation, or sense of charity, in a market exchange.
It was certainly the most civilized black market exchange I could have envisioned.
In many cases of missing markets, it may be possible for the government or another actor to create circumstances that make market exchange possible.
Up to 558,000 residents will qualify for premium tax credits to help them purchase health coverage in 2014 through the private market exchanges.
The market exchange closed today at a record high of 3,284.
It is wrong to fragment nature into "environmental services" with a monetary value for market exchange.
Closed reciprocity of gifts is most like market exchange.