Then, as if the rebounding stocks had run out of energy, the market tumbled in its last 30 minutes.
He estimated that when the market tumbled in July, phone volume rose about 20 percent.
The market then tumbled even faster earlier this year, and went into a tailspin in late April.
Shares closed at $37.31, more than double the offering price of $17, in a day the market tumbled.
The report surveyed the recent tax forms of 40 schools and found 22 operating at a deficit even before the financial markets tumbled.
Financial markets tumble, and the economy grinds to a halt.
Financial markets tumbled both times as investors worried that more jobs would mean too much spending power among consumers.
This is the third consecutive day that the market has tumbled so far.
The market tumbled 339.06 points on Monday, a fall of 10.8 percent.
But with many of last year's hot new issues faltering, the market for initial public offerings in high technology companies has tumbled.