The market has since undergone upgrading works in the 2000s.
The market in India has also undergone tremendous change ever since the liberalization process was initiated in early 90's.
The market has been undergoing considerable consolidation since the mid-1990s, with many suppliers ceasing to trade or being bought by larger groups.
With the vast technological and geo-political changes of the last four years, the market has undergone drastic change.
If the economic release differs from the consensus view, the market usually undergoes rapid price movement as participants interpret the data.
The market has recently undergone an upgrade, which includes a new design and refurbishment.
Now the market for business books is undergoing what a stockbroker would call a significant correction.
"The market indeed is undergoing a lot of changes, and people are reacting to it in different ways," a company spokesman said.
In the course of the 1980s, most markets in Europe underwent drastic deregulation.
The market underwent a renovation in the 1990s.