She was the only candidate which could potentially abandon current market-friendly economic policies.
Unlike other countries in Africa, his administration adopted market-friendly policies to foster economic development.
To be sure, left-leaning parties have softened their socialist positions recently and adopted some market-friendly policies.
In economics, a Goldilocks economy sustains moderate economic growth and low inflation, which allows a market-friendly monetary policy.
The chapter on Uganda is especially illuminating, demonstrating how competent bureaucracies combined with market-friendly economic policies can genuinely help the poor.
The meeting, the first of its kind, will try to organize "regional surveillance," in which countries help each other maintain market-friendly economic policies.
According to its web site, they are "the values of individual freedom and choice, limited government, and market-friendly policies."
For about 20 years now, the West's standard refrain has been that market-friendly policies stimulate greater economic growth and in turn reduce poverty.
The factors to address are likely to be macroeconomic stability, politics, market-friendly policies, human policies, education, institutional development, accountability.
Another essential kind of foreign aid is supporting market-friendly economic policies, especially those that would nurture manufacturing industries.