His philosophical position, in favor of market-oriented solutions, was not new, but he indicated he would spend more political capital in pushing them through a divided Congress.
The Vice President praised America Works as a "fantastic example" of market-oriented solutions to the problems of unemployment and poverty.
To its critics, the Clinton plan has transformed a market-oriented solution into another Government bureaucracy, and a largely untested one at that.
But in the past he's aligned himself with market-oriented solutions.
Mr. Clinton, a proponent of what he calls a "third way" between left and right, may have thought he was proposing an attractive new market-oriented solution.
Each was developed in order to further the objective of the Network in searching for practical market-oriented solutions to the endemic problems Europeans face today.
They are living in the world Reaganism created, making the best of it by devising market-oriented, grass-roots solutions.
It tends to favour market-oriented or at least price-oriented solutions to issues such as water supply and infrastructure.
To ensure that value-chain players can profit from efficiency benefits afforded by the use of M2M modules, high quality, cost-effective, scalable and market-oriented solutions are needed.
At first glance, Federal "user fees" on bulky paper, glass and plastics made from virgin materials might seem heaven-sent to those who favor market-oriented solutions to environmental problems.