The grand total of market-rate homes to be built by 2007 was 2,300.
New market-rate homes are coming to neighborhoods throughout the city, even the Central Ward, which was the scene of race riots in 1967.
Soon, Bedford-Stuyvesant is to get something it has not seen since the turn of the century - new market-rate homes.
That project includes 90 below-market-rate condominium apartments and 34 market-rate single-family homes.
About 350 "market-rate" homes and apartments are also planned.
An agreement with the city allowed the homes to be built 20 percent smaller and with less luxurious interiors than the 72 market-rate homes.
A measure that would offer $5,000 grants to city employees who buy market-rate homes in Newark got preliminary approval yesterday from the City Council.
She says she hopes to get a market-rate home for about $250,000.
Mr. Primas suggested that market-rate homes along nearly two miles of riverfront could go for $200,000.
Most of that growth, township officials acknowledged, came about through the construction of thousands of market-rate homes built on former farmland.