He said the New Rochelle building would represent "a highly marketable asset of $90 million for Unicef."
Anyway, trappers had already cleaned out the most marketable asset, beavers, to make top hats for the British bourgeoisie.
Usually, such deals are done with growing companies with marketable assets that can be sold to pay down some of the awesome debt.
A technical virgin, keenly aware of her marketable assets, she is the first to admit that she is holding out for a rich husband.
Such plans would require banks to keep a large cushion of marketable assets that could be readily claimed by regulatory authorities to pay back depositors.
Essentially, the argument is that even highly marketable assets become harder to sell when they are part of a partnership and thus are worth less.
Good will was viewed by state courts as a marketable asset and judges ruling in divorce cases made it a factor in settlements, he said.
By issuing shares, a company obviously receives a financial benefit, for which the shareholder obtains in return an interest and a marketable asset.
Facing bankruptcy and far over his head in back taxes, Martin Mirkheim has only one marketable asset: a natural ability to lie.
Short of selling part of their collections, the Picasso name remains the family's most marketable asset.