Scallop aquaculture is the commercial activity of cultivating (farming) scallops until they reach a marketable size and can be sold as a consumer product.
In the grow-out ponds the shrimp are grown from juveniles to marketable size, which takes between three to six months.
The postlarvae are transferred to ponds where they are fed until they reach marketable size, which takes about another three to six months.
Because oysters take three to five years to reach marketable size, either parasite can wipe out the market.
The primary market for slaughter goats is a 22-36 kg (50-80 lb) kid; kids should reach marketable size at weaning age.
He then harvests the animals when they grow to a marketable size.
But because oysters take up to five years to reach marketable size, either parasite can destroy a crop.
Mellon started making deals with Italian factories so they could increase the collection to a more marketable size.
Shellfish can be collected from intertidal areas using a spade or rake and put through a sieve to extract the ones of marketable size.
They remain there until adulthood, and when they have grown to a marketable size (about fist-sized) they can be sold.