He's perfectly happy to turn out CD's too diverse to fit neatly into any marketing niche.
Ended in a compromise because each format found a separate marketing niche, and eventually record players were designed to play either type.
However, Epic failed to find a marketing niche for Hall's new sound, and the album was not a commercial success.
By uncovering new marketing niches for our clients, we enable them to increase their sales.
I needed a concept that would give me an innovative marketing niche.
We are actively working with some potential clients to develop that as a marketing niche for this area.
The idea is that anybody will want to eat in somebody's marketing niche.
How getting the gluten out of Chex cereals helped turn a marketing niche into a lifestyle.
Billboard has observed that Head's versatility actually worked against him since he did not fit into any specific marketing niche.
"A lot of people are interested because this is a profitable marketing niche."