She was the daughter of writer Barbra Ring, and married actor and theatre director Halfdan Christensen in 1922.
She first married producer/director Jack White in 1927 and later married actor George Sherwood.
They caught aspiring actresses in flagrante delicto with married actors.
After her scandalous relationship and pregnancy with a married actor in 1963, she developed her image into a grownup 'bad girl'.
Ting married actor and singer Jordan Chan on 14 February 2010 (Valentine's Day).
And the plot: The three men snoop on a seduction scene involving Ilona, who is having a "mad sensual outburst" with a married actor, Almady.
One of his granddaughters, Jean Rennard, married actor Fred Gwynne.
- 2 months ago When a married actor tells you that he's separated from his wife - 99.9% is that he's lying.
Her rent vas paid, Slitscan had finally determined, by her married actor.
On July 3, 2004, Spelling married actor and playwright Charlie Shanian in a lavish expensive $1million ceremony.