Among those who married early, life didn't always fall into place.
One couple married early in the morning and left for Jordan without a party.
He married early to a woman at the age of 19 and had two sons.
Aged 28 at the time of his death, he had married three months earlier.
Tragically, one of the dead was a young man who had been married only three hours earlier.
At this point women married early on and were defined by their marriages.
She married early, but left her husband after the death of a baby daughter and worked as a hospital seamstress.
"I think maybe, if John had been married to me earlier," she said, "he might've gotten over some of those needs and hurt."
His wife, whom he had married a year earlier, went on to Palestine, convinced that she could do nothing to help her husband.
Rodney reveals that he and Mary were married earlier in the day.