Regardless of the situation that he's been placed in, Bernard marries Rachel anyway.
Years of hard work later he marries Rachel and reconciles with his brother Esau.
Evans married firstly Rachel, daughter of William Thomas, in 1887.
Meredith was suddenly struck by the thought that a local man by origin, he might have married Rachel here in this very church.
He married Rachel in a protest on student loans which upset Waverley to the point where she fled the country.
At the hospital, Ross's mother offers him an engagement ring because she wants him to marry Rachel.
He worked for another seven years to marry Rachel.
He wants to marry Rachel, but it is illegal to marry a first cousin.
"I cannot marry him," Rachel repeated through her tears.
J.T. had married Rachel because he understood that she was an eighteen-year-old mother who wanted the best for her son.