Though both devastated, the man marries his arranged bride, and the girl boards a ship days later to return to France.
Deprived now of all resistance, Stavros agrees to marry his intended bride.
And when the sentence had been carried out, the young King married his true bride, and both of them reigned over their kingdom in peace and happiness.
Brindley married his young bride, Ann Henshall, in 1765 and together they moved into Turnhurst Hall where he was to live until his death in 1772.
On 14 January 1846, Zakharov married his beloved bride but their happiness was short.
The Virginian shoots Trampas in a gun battle and leaves to marry his young bride.
Ashley had married his bride here but his son and his son's son would never bring brides to this house.
On February 15, 1859, Raff married his bride.
According to music critic Tim Riley, "Isis" tells the story of a young groom who marries his bride before he learns the value of loyalty.
On December 5, 2009 Morton marries his bride (Amanda Varney) in Wellington, Fl.