Along the predominately marshy coasts of Pasco, Hernando, and Citrus counties, erosion and structural damage were much more limited, partly due to the local southerly or southeasterly wind direction.
As a port city on an exposed marshy coast, Le Havre has long suffered from poor land links.
Included are pieces from every major Aboriginal art making community along the marshy northern coast and the central desert areas of the continent.
So it was that Ambul went ashore on a stretch of marshy coast somewhere south of Shanghai.
The marshy coast as far as Port Royal was occupied, and the English generals became more recalcitrant.
El Monumental was built on land reclaimed from the marshy coast of Río de la Plata.
Jiāngsū made much of its fortune through silk and salt, which was panned off its low-lying marshy coast.
About midday, after four or five landings, they came to the sea, a desolate marshy coast, and shortly after that they put down at Normanton.
She knew that most of the islands off that marshy coast were uninhabited.
I have made many such voyages in her so I am well acquainted with the Yellow Sea; and one of the estuaries along the marshy coast to the south of the Shantung Peninsula would not be at all a bad place to land you.