Ohsheeeeeeohsheeeeeee ...' The man did not move but seemed instead to turn in on himself, sagging from the martial stance into a kind of horrified, penitent crouch.
She almost slipped into a martial stance before she controlled her surprise and remembered to look frightened, as a slave girl would.
Stephen and Patras became aware of their martial stance, of their beweaponed selves.
Eyes front, he matched the captain's severe demeanor with his own martial stance.
She just stood there in her martial stance, feet spread apart, hands raised in front of her, ready to dole out additional punishment if that was what she chose to do.
Performed in unison or in opposing pairs, in profile or otherwise, the choreography is formal and yet clear in its martial stance.
He took up a martial stance beside James, and fixed the media crowd with a stern stare.
He recommended that practitioners should meditate on Nio and even adopt their fierce expressions and martial stances in order to cultivate power, strength and courage when dealing with adversity.