She was a small, emaciated mouse who wore a perpetually martyred expression.
He glanced at Ingeld, plodding sullenly along with a martyred expression, and experienced a flash of hatred.
He could not avoid her, nor her martyred expression, for she was always at Melissa-Jane's bedside.
She looked at me with that martyred expression and said, "Nothing will help."
The high froman, with a resigned and martyred expression, put on his crown and once more wedged himself into the torturous chair.
With a martyred expression, he sat down on the bare floor.
Murphy stood just inside her office with a phone pressed to her ear, wearing a martyred expression.
That produced as many more groans as she'd thought it would, but Uto, wearing a martyred expression, eventually went out the door and headed for school.
Seeing the foreign minister's martyred expression, the king laughed again, this time with something approaching real amusement.
The count's face had a faintly martyred expression as he withdrew.