I may not talk to you again, even by means of your marvelous instrument.
The enormous potentialities of this marvelous instrument expand with every minute spent in thinking about it.
It is a logic dictated by observation and despite our many marvelous instruments, our observations were severely restricted.
Like a concert pianist who beholds a marvelous instrument, he ached to get his fingers on it.
And their marvelous instruments still continued to function, watching over the experiments started so many ages ago.
"Young scientists today think of these marvelous instruments as black boxes," she said.
Sublime and flawless-man and themshang blended into one marvelous instrument.
Our native tongue is . . . the most marvelous communicative instrument yet devised by the human race.
He lent me the Platinum Flute, and for this marvelous instrument I would lay down my life.
The human mind is a marvelous instrument.