It was a marvelous moment, the ultimate expression of joy by a player who has never hidden his emotions and probably could not.
There is a marvelous archaic moment when the men sit like oracles, elbows out, hand to thighs.
But as a group the Case Study houses still represent a marvelous moment in the architectural culture of this country.
What we love in our books are the depths of many marvelous moments seen all at one time.
Why did this marvelous moment have to be interrupted so abruptly?
It is a marvelous moment, to be here with you, alone, in private.
But there is also imaginative line work, as in a marvelous moment toward the end.
And with the Yankees, there have been occasional struggles but also marvelous moments.
What appeared to be a nonsituation suddenly turned into a marvelous moment.
I wanted you all here for this marvelous moment.