The present show is in part a reprise of marvelous paintings that have passed through the gallery in recent years.
Now it was a marvelous painting, full of rampant detail.
Still, the recent purchase of a big and marvelous painting by Anselm Kiefer almost single-handed promises to give contemporary art an importance it has not previously had.
Looking at the marvelous paintings here by two generations of Haitian artists, you begin to realize it doesn't really matter.
Those marvelous paintings, sold for a song in all probability.
Nine of Jorn's marvelous paintings are hung in a stairwell, while several walls are papered with pages from the Situationist magazine.
Two marvelous little paintings by Degas of horses and their riders, and a racecourse scene by Manet.
He certainly looks like one in several marvelous paintings and in a fine metal sculpture here.
Both stories account for marvelous paintings in the Brooklyn show.
"Oh, those marvelous paintings!"