It was a marvelous piece of work, fashioned by Abbey creatures in the distant past.
At once confiding and aloof, this marvelous piece never loses its balance.
Nowadays, if you develop a marvelous piece of software, everyone will have downloaded a free copy from the Net the next day.
Everyone who sat down to play with those marvelous pieces longed to see them shine in his or her own dwelling place.
It was a marvelous little wood-and-straw concoction, a sure conversation piece.
The exact time is a marvelous piece of knowledge to carry around on one's person, but not so marvelous as when the century was young.
'The Mousetrap' remains to this day a marvelous piece of entertainment.
Surprisingly, it was a marvelous piece of escape literature, masterfully written.
The original Hypercard was, and remains, a marvelous piece of software.