He sees the universe as a marvelous toy, coquettishly begging to be understood yet always mocking our success with some deeper mystery.
The old man made marvelous toys.
Not that I have anything against these marvelous toys; I know they are probably essential for students today.
Justin treated the cannon like a marvelous new toy.
Unfortunately, she seemed too intent on the marvelous toys the People's Navy had obviously provided for her sole entertainment, and he cleared his throat.
They were like two children wonderingly examining a marvelous new toy.
A 1964 Corvan with 110 horsepower and the four-speed was a marvelous toy, and the nearest any 1960s truck came to sporty handling.
She could have been a marvelous toy, and I could break her and throw her away if I wished.... "Thanks," he said.
Artner, Alan G. "Oh, those marvelous toys," Turning machines into playthings, Arts, Chicago Tribune, (April 25, 1993), p. 22.
I may get one myself now, it's a marvelous toy.