With their sharply carved features, both were undeniably handsome in a blatant, decidedly masculine fashion.
A Tom is a female who dresses, acts, and possibly speaks in a masculine fashion.
His tone was arrogant in the masculine fashion.
Another interesting phenomenon has been the practice of wearing high heels, which shifted from a masculine fashion to a feminine fashion over time.
She rose and moved about in her lounging masculine fashion from one picture to another, for the walls were thickly covered with reminiscences of the Admiral's voyages.
He shook hands with her, masculine fashion.
She was deep in conversation with a tall, slender woman, dressed in the height of St. Lucien's current masculine fashion.
His shawl was a reminder of a masculine fashion that had disappeared soon after Lincoln's death.
Liane offered Garric her hand rather than clasping him forearm to forearm in masculine fashion.
"Fratire" is a type of 21st century non-fiction literature written for and marketed to young men in a politically incorrect and overtly masculine fashion.