I saw the mash notes and the girls taped to my ceiling.
I'll bet half of these are mash notes.
It is instead a heartfelt mash note to a strange and wonderful bit of nature in the center of the city.
I can assure you that this author doesn't have it in him to spend two years on a mash note to an actress.
"The Perfect Thing" is more entertaining than informative, but it makes a very satisfactory mash note.
Her work inspired critics to write public mash notes and theater producers to line up to take her to lunch.
They send e-mail messages, dozens a day, ranging from simple mash notes of the "you rock!"
Dowd, who later became a columnist, sent back a mash note of her own.
A favorite professor starts receiving mash notes written on a typewriter she owns.
Still, if this book isn't a valentine, it's something of a mash note.