The firebox normally sits on a masonry base at the floor level of the room.
The structures rise from masonry bases, while exposed steel beams and abundant windows create levity.
They have thought about traditional elements like cornices and moldings, masonry bases and expression lines.
The current Cafe de Wheels has been permanently fixed on a masonry base for some years.
At the end of the wall is a masonry base with a lighthouse structure, formerly painted red and now painted green.
It has been moved a number of times in its history but the van is now permanently fixed on a masonry base.
When used in a built-up area it is often placed on a masonry base to raise it above the surrounding buildings.
But recently they have become concerned about modifications that essentially add two feet to the masonry base of the buildings and add steps to the stoops.
The column was restored by Abdülhamid I, who had the present masonry base added.
It consists of a four-meter carved wooden sculpture on a masonry base.