The cost of repairs was £350,000 which included masonry repair, a new deck and waterproofing, and structural work to the viaduct.
As early as possible, check and repair roof gutters and downspouts, and begin planning major projects such as painting, re-siding, roof work, masonry repairs and additional construction.
So plan to tackle jobs like painting, re-siding, masonry repair, roof repair or window replacement in the spring.
The scaffolding around the building is for a so-called envelope restoration, which includes a new roof, new windows and masonry repair.
The work would include masonry repair, roofing, new windows and doors, pedestrian links to the nave, wheelchair access and new lighting.
Next month the co-op will begin some minor masonry repairs and, more notably, a restoration of the marquee.
"If I'm really who you think I am," he said, "such a course would win you nothing but an unattractive cadavernot even suitable for masonry repair."
Further exterior renovations were completed in 2007 and 2008, including masonry repair, window restoration, drainage improvements and the replacement of the original 150-year-old roof.
The co-op corporation is at work on a $1 million-plus program designed to largely restore the exterior of the building; it includes roof replacement, masonry repairs and cleaning.
The work involved restoring the canal channel, masonry repairs, removing graffiti, and improving public access.