As such, it increases the efficiency of the weapon and reduces the critical mass required.
Lacking a nearby stellar companion, it would never obtain the sudden infusion of mass required for a more ecstatic death.
"The mass required to restrain the cloud is 12 to 25 times greater than the mass of the three galaxies that are present."
But it has spawned enough projects to insure the critical mass required for citywide change.
The purpose of the neutron reflector was to reduce the mass required for the plutonium core to attain criticality.
It is thought that several million years will pass before the white dwarf can accrete the critical mass required to become a Type Ia supernova.
Throughout this time, the company continued to increase headcount to get to the "critical mass" required to be a major player in the industry.
This measure in turn will let astronomers guage the density of mass required to exert such gravitational effects.
Left over from the mass required for the strawberry sundae.
However the theoretical mass required was two orders of magnitude greater than what was available in the Southwest Pacific.