Building the first mass-market brand in cyberspace is Mr. Case's mission.
Do not look for mass-market brands or discounts.
Rohr also holds the trademarks to other premium and mass-market brands.
Now, even mass-market brands like Nestlé and Hershey's have introduced high-end lines.
Nothing fancy - the mass-market brand does the trick.
Even so, analysts are skeptical, noting that no carmaker has turned a mass-market brand into a premium brand.
Still, the Charger is definitely a stretch: building a rear-drive sedan as the top offering of a mass-market brand is nothing if not brave.
In his vision, the America Online service will remain the mass-market brand.
The mass-market brands cannot go quite that far.
Its efforts have helped it attract more buyers of trucks and Cadillacs, whose profit margins are higher than mass-market brands.