Through prewiring and mass-produced custom-designed furniture, the larger spaces are easily transformed into double offices for first- and second-year associates.
According to the exhibition catalog, the company was also the first commercially successful manufacturer of innovative mass-produced furniture for children.
When mass-produced German furniture invaded Scandinavian markets early in the 20th century, cabinetmakers enlisted Denmark's aesthetic vanguard to update their wares.
The first created the need for inexpensive mass-produced furniture, the second developed the technology that would make such production possible, and profitable.
And yet, somewhere along the way the modernist message was misconstrued; to be modern came too often to mean having a houseful of poorly made, mass-produced furniture.
People were looking for relief after the excesses of Victorian times and the influx of mass-produced furniture from the Industrial Revolution.
Ercol's mass-produced furniture found a ready market in post-war Britain, which demanded smaller pieces with simpler lines than their chunky pre-war counterparts.
Cheaper, mass-produced furniture may have dowel joints instead of tenons, and you may find that screws have been used for makeshift repairs in the past.
In the 1950s he moved into the field of mass-produced furniture and lamps.
Don Colclough (a k a Jack) does a brisk business in mass-produced furniture from the 1930's and 40's that bears little resemblance to that ofMolesworth.