The inevitable demise of free schools et al will leave anarchy in its wake and a massive bill for the taxpayer.
The massive bill is red with a black band and a yellow frontal shield (the "saddle").
"All this was, was a serious hustle of the media, and I think the media should send him a massive bill on it."
In a 95-to-4 vote on Nov. 19, the Senate approved a massive bill.
The large head is dominated by a massive broad bill and enormous eyes.
The massive broad scoop-like bill, which gives rise to this species' name, is mainly black.
The Senate is hoping to work its way through the massive bill by the end of the week.
The massive bill now appears to hinge on just this one issue.
It is a stocky bird, with reduced wings, strong legs and a massive bill.
The massive bill is mainly red, and the strong legs are bright yellow.