Though she struggled on, her only thought was to reach the end of the massive glacier.
The glacier is a remnant of the massive glaciers that formed during the last ice age.
In the south massive glaciers spread from the mountains almost to the Gulf of Alaska.
Below me, millions of years ago, massive glaciers gouged out the rock to a depth of about 1,400 feet.
The highest peaks, as well as countless passes and massive glaciers, are located in this region.
It is formed of crystalline schists and has massive glaciers down its steep southern slopes.
It is protected by a glacier so massive it is called the Mountain of Ice.
The glacier is a remnant of the massive glaciers that formed during the last ice age and have created White River Canyon.
When the temperature eventually rose enough to melt the massive glaciers, they would leave evidence of their passage in ridges and hills of unsorted rock.
Mephistopheles rules Cania from a citadel called Mephistar, built on a massive glacier.