The album was released to massive critical acclaim and has been cited as an influence to countless other rock acts.
Following the massive critical and commercial acclaim of their previous studio album, 1969's Stand!
Carriage has been met with massive critical acclaim.
The album was praised by the metal communities of the world and received massive critical acclaim.
It garnered massive critical acclaim worldwide and became her best-selling album.
The album was released in August 2004 to massive critical acclaim and Instruction were now well on the way to stardom.
"Sugarless" was released as a free download in June 2009 to massive critical acclaim from fans and media alike.
It won massive critical acclaim and at the same time was a major success story in the commercial arena.
Makgona Tsohle also recorded instrumental singles to massive public acclaim.
They repeated this concert in the summer of 2011 to massive critical acclaim.