It was not deemed worth massive alterations for her to remain in year-round Cal-Mac service.
We've encountered massive alterations of some twenty programs thus far.
Holland House underwent a massive alteration and refurbishment project on the existing 16 storey concrete framed structure.
Over the next few months, Aeolus underwent massive alterations at a cost of nearly $3,000,000.
By this time, the ships could not use the larger barbette, as it would require massive alterations to the design and would result in substantial weight penalties.
It is frequently disputed whether d20, which requires massive alteration with each new genre because of its class and level system, really qualifies as a generic system.
The Commission appears to find the current legal position unacceptable for political reasons, and it is therefore to undergo massive alteration.
Usually, again like Asimov, they have the entire story plotted in their heads before they begin, so that midcourse direction changes don't require massive alterations to earlier scenes.
This led to massive alteration of much of the local wildlife, with grassland and farmland animals replacing the native woodland fauna.
Initially rumored to be a temporary 'stunt', renting a ship to boost ratings, these were quickly refuted after massive alterations to the ship's interior had been made.