He resigned prior to the 1980 Moscow Olympics, after the massive political boycotts.
Diab's fans initiated a massive boycott of the sites with the illegal copies and by July 3, 2009 Wayah had sold more than 1.6 million copies in the first week.
In the 1920s he launched the Khadi Movement, a massive boycott of British cotton goods.
The opposition headed a massive boycott of the elections, alleging that they were undemocratic and rigged.
Diab's fans initiated a massive boycott of the sites with the illegal copies.
This led to a massive grass-roots boycott of Colt's products by gun stores and US gun owners.
Under Jackson's leadership, a key goal was to encourage massive boycotts by black consumers as a means to pressure white-owned businesses to hire blacks and to purchase goods and services from black-owned firms.
Imagine you're on the hook for tens of millions, and then you get a massive boycott.
Debs and the ARU called a massive boycott that affected most lines west of Detroit and at its peak involved some 250,000 workers in 27 states.
EDUCATION Secretary John Patten launched another attack on teachers today, hours after the start of massive boycott of tests for 14-year-olds.