Koko Crater is a massive cinder cone that visually dominates the area.
As most Tellurians already know, it is fundamentally a massive cone, covered with scales, based spearhead-like upon the neck.
In the center the wall reared up into a massive volcanic cone, its summit trailing a long white plume of steam.
Its massive cone rose five thousand feet above the Bahdu plain and a chain of foothills stretched south-west parallel with the Awash.
One spot, repeatedly targeted, had a massive cone of masonry that seemed to have been torn through a good five meters.
Take the massive cone off the back and it would look more like an airplane, but not very.
The leaves that spiral around the central stem get smaller as their altitude increases, so that the final effect is that of a massive cone of green.
On the entrance there is a massive cone of white sand.
It differs from all other pinyon species in that it has very massive cones and large seeds.
The giant volcanoes thrust their massive cones high into the thin atmosphere.