If PR was in place before the next election, any such massive defeat would not materialise.
To lose by an innings three times is a massive, heavy defeat and that's what has hurt.
Work commenced in 1805 and continued long after the massive French defeat at Trafalgar.
However, only one was returned at the 1931 election against the backdrop of a massive defeat for Labour.
Goldwater's massive defeat in the presidential election of 1964 demoralized many members.
The plan to inflict a massive defeat upon O'Byrne had not succeeded.
Following a massive defeat in 1934 by the Liberals, the Conservatives reorganized themselves over the next decade.
Richard managed to be re-election by the largest margin of any candidate in the 1999 election, despite the fact that his party suffering a massive defeat.
The final eruption of fighting on the ground and the massive defeat of Saddam's remaining forces was an anticlimax.
At the election, the Coalition suffered a massive defeat and was reduced to only 19 seats nationwide.