"Despite the massive devaluations in neighboring countries, China is still a favored spot for foreign investment," Mr. Xu said.
Unlike the previous plan, the August 1972 stabilization program was based on a massive devaluation of the escudo.
This is a massive internal devaluation," said one official.
When a market becomes flooded with capital, a massive devaluation occurs.
In 1949 another financial crisis occurred which led to the massive devaluation of the pound against the dollar from $4.00 to $2.80 [Cairncross and Eichengreen, 1983].
A final German story: this from 1948, the year the mark was put back on the international scale, causing massive devaluation.
The Bear Stearns debacle was a watershed event in a housing market crisis that precipitated massive devaluations, left the economy reeling, and required massive government action.
But due to the massive devaluation of 2001 the US dollar equivalent of the monthly bill decreased to US$15/month.
After the expected massive devaluation of the zloty, it will be closer to 50 cents an hour.
Memories of massive postWar devaluation lead us to regard money seriously.