However, there was still massive famines, and the Chechens needed to stay strong and healthy to prevent a loss of the Sunzha.
Agriculture was forcibly collectivised, at the cost of a massive famine and millions of deaths among the resistant peasantry.
Two massive famines struck France between 1693 and 1710, killing over two million people.
Hungry Ghosts' is the first book in English to provide detailed description of the massive famine in China between 1958 and 1962.
In particular, two massive famines struck France between 1693 and 1710 that killed over two million people.
Thus every so often you're going to get a massive famine since the amount of mouths outstrip the production.
China, whose population is suffering massive famine, launched a desperate nuclear attack against the West.
But the foreign armies overwhelmed it, and after three years of war in Krainian territory there was massive famine.
Its lack of economic realism caused a massive famine and at least 20 million deaths.
Within five years, nearly all the prickly pear cactus of southern Madagascar had been completely wiped out, sparking a massive famine from 1930-1931.