Roger Caldwell, a field representative for the mine workers' union, said the walkout this week was a result of "the massive fines the court's putting on us and the jailing of our people down there."
DANGEROUS drivers are facing massive fines and imprisonment after police launched a crackdown.
Offenders, he claims, could be open to massive fines.
If that doesn't happen, the ISP faces the possibility of massive fines and being forced to substantially alter how it handles P2P traffic.
'They persuade the poor and the low paid to play this game - leaving them exposed to massive fines and levies,' Mr Davies said.
But we are even more concerned that journalists are being secretly threatened with long jail sentences and massive fines for protecting confidential sources.
A French court sentenced five people to one to five years in jail, and to pay massive fines for evading tax through carbon trading.
The leading rebels were dead, imprisoned, or impoverished through massive fines.
Had Enron survived (the accounting fraud was unrelated to this), they would have had to pay massive fines to the state of California and the local California power utilities.
A few jail terms or massive fines for gross incompetence would apease me a somewhat.