The metal roof of the hangar blew upward, and a massive fireball boiled out.
The ship and its fighter screen vanish in a massive fireball.
A massive fireball rose up beyond the rooftops and the ice-coated wooden forms of the unfinished wall.
She looked down into the well around which the rampways hung, and she saw a massive fireball roaring up toward them.
Like the seven male victims of that massive fireball, they never stood a chance.
Bomb: Nuclear, a massive fireball which releases a spiral of smaller fireballs.
Suddenly, Ghidorah appears in the sky amidst a massive fireball.
The image of a massive fireball is a common misconception, even among physicists.
Then the second went, ramming into the sand and exploding in a massive fireball.
At 2 minutes left to impact, massive fireballs originating from space begin to attack Russia, Iran and other coalition countries.