In 1974, it was promoted to the premier division and has since evolved as one of the top football clubs in Uganda with a massive following of mainly from the civil service.
On May 31, a nation-wide cacerolazo took place with a massive following of approximately one million people in the capital alone.
Despite the character's massive worldwide following, Radcliffe was quick to dismiss doing any Harry Potter sketches.
Magnus was a great orator whose rousing speeches soon created a massive following among the common folk of the Empire.
Though never beautiful, she acquired a huge, glamorous stage presence and a massive following.
The movement had a massive following, fueled mainly by Methodists.
Since it's conception, the web-series has garnered a massive following of thousands of figure skating fans with it's weekly video interviews.
While the PG-13-rated "Twilight" franchise has found a massive following (primarily teenage girls) by focusing on a silly love triangle, unnecessarily shirtless werewolves, and vegetarian vampires (lame!)
It soon attracted a massive following and had the support of around 3,000,000 members by 1985.
Sarah Jacobi- Leader of the rebel magicians, successful in gathering a massive following and secretly allied with Apophis, presumably for power.