In addition to being the title given to the fictional film central to the story, reviewers have also considered the title a "sly wink at the book's massive girth."
The great bulls with towering frames and massive girth might overshadow them in size, but not in cunning and ferocity.
It has been suggested that the Slug is a mutant, with his mutation allowing him to live and function (albeit in a limited fashion) with his massive girth.
A venerable oak of massive girth and height towered above the surrounding trees.
Garrison skirted a column of massive girth which obstructed his way and his view, and came to where Suzy crouched, panted and whined.
When she finally came to a full stop and picked up her coffee cup, the cardinal shifted his massive girth and spoke.
It has a massive girth and is reckoned to be well over 2,000 years old, possibly the oldest tree in Europe.
A giant of massive girth, broad shoulders, and tree trunk legs, he wore animal skins tied with leather thongs about his muscular body.
"Aye, master, aye," muttered the innkeeper, seemingly daunted by Caramon's massive girth as the big man came inside, bringing in a gust of wind and rain with him.
In the first several episodes in which he appeared, he defeated the villain by falling on them or otherwise crushing them beneath his massive girth.