This well was a kind of narrow opening in the massive granite of the kind known as a fissure.
On the right side of the dam : "Friendship bench", circle 6 m, platform 25m2, in massive black granite.
The fort is built of massive granite blocks around an isolated hillock.
The skill of its crew and the cunning of its construction defied the massive tan-and-moire granite of which it was made.
The rounded outcrops of massive granite developed by spalling off of curved rock slabs along partings more or less parallel to the surface.
Construction of the Kentucky State Branch Penitentiary began in 1884, using massive granite blocks quarried from a site down the Cumberland.
North Bay has massive pink granite, partially tree-covered cliffs, rising hundreds of feet out of the lake along the shoreline.
Here the place was as silent as death, for the noise from the city without could not pierce its towering walls of massive granite.
He stood within a vault constructed entirely of massive granite blocks cut to interlock with one another and then tightly sealed with mortar.
Toppled stone columns, cracked and fractured, leaned against massive granite blocks that might once have composed walls.