Furthermore, reforms stemming from the Meiji Restoration led to massive, rapid industrialization and modernization.
Despite massive industrialization, folk music traditions have persisted in many areas until today.
After the installment of a Communist government the same year, the country started a process of massive industrialization, but continued to import equipment.
In 1962, Korea embarked on a massive industrialization based on exports.
This was the period just prior to the Meiji Restoration when Japan ended its period of international isolation and began massive industrialization.
This autarkic urban, industrial society had achieved food self-sufficiency in prior decades through a massive industrialization of agriculture.
Apparently Portugal's glittering past does not include massive industrialization.
In his term of government, the state underwent further massive industrialization.
Bahro regards Stalin's subsequent massive industrialization as a necessary development, justifying the party purge as inevitable.
Later the city became a railway hub and underwent massive industrialization.