The Luftwaffe organised a massive aerial offensive to blunt the threat.
June 30 - Ethiopia begins a massive offensive in Eritrea.
With just four months remaining until the November general election, both parties launched massive political offensives with the Bank at the center of the fight.
The leaders seem to be suffering as well from their failure to carry out the massive "final offensive" in southern Iraq promised earlier this year.
On March 7, 1938, the Nationalist forces launched a massive offensive in Aragon.
We're putting together a massive offensive against the Dominion.
This changed in March 1953 when the Chinese launched a massive offensive across the U.N. line.
Compounding all these concerns, Iran now readies yet another massive offensive against a weakened Iraq.
Soon after, he announced a "massive offensive" against segregation in Jackson.
Kemal routed the Greeks with a massive offensive the following spring.