Participants get a first hand account of what it is like to be a part of the massive production that Wicked is.
With the arrival of Germans immigrants around 1850, massive production began.
Further massive production is subject to approval from Ministry of Defence.
More often companies have main factories in Asian countries, where massive production for relatively small money is possible.
We just keep growing, and this time it is a massive production that I cannot wait for.
The largest success for the snowmobile came from sport enthusiasts, a market that opened the door to massive production of snowmobiles.
However, the massive production of aircraft caused a shortage of these engines.
During the 1970s, the region experienced an economic boom because of a massive production of cotton when worldwide demand was high.
Because massive production was never one of George's objectives, they are some of the smallest in Scotland.
The enormous variety and massive production of the various forms of British decorative art during the period are too complex to be easily summarized.